Chemical Variations of Pyroxene and Fe-Ti–Oxide Crystals in Basalts Hosting CuAu Porphyry Mineralization in the Quesnel Terrane, Interior British Columbia (NTS 092H, I, P, 093A, J, N)
Low-temperature thermochronology of the northern Carlin Trend : evidence for Late Cretaceous exhumation of northern central Nevada and short duration of Carlin ore-forming hydrothermal systems
Geologic Map and Structural Evolution of the Black Hills Creek Area in the Smash Minerals Whiskey Project, Yukon Territory
Microstructures and Trace Element Signatures of Orogenic Quartz Veins in the Klondike District, Yukon Territory, Canada
Remains of early Ordovician mantle-derived magmatism in the Santander Massif (Colombian Eastern Cordillera)
Mid-crustal Cu-Au mineralisation during episodic pluton emplacement, hydrothermal fluid flow, and ductile deformation at the Minto deposit, YT, Canada
Petrophysical and physicochemical controlling parameters on stable isotope depletion patterns in carbonate rocks from auriferous hydrothermal fluid infiltration at the Long Canyon sediment-hosted gold deposit: NE Nevada
Evolution of alteration and mineralization at the Red Chris copper-gold porphyry deposit East zone, northwestern British Columbia, Canada