Project Information
- Ore Deposit: Epithermal
- Commodity: Gold
- Research Themes: Gold Deposits, Regional Metallogeny
- Location: Canakkale, Biga district, northwestern Turkey
- Project Status: Completed
- End Date: 2016
This project was completed as an MSc thesis by Graham Leroux, and is one of the many projects that were done undertaken within the WTMP - Western Tethyan Metallogeny Project (Phase 1) umbrella.
Stratigraphic and petrographic characterization of HS epithermal Au-Ag mineralization at the TV Tower district, Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey
Graham Leroux, MSc, 2016
Abstract: The Biga Peninsula in northwestern Turkey is part of the Western Tethyan Metallogenic Belt, known to be one of the most prospective belts for porphyry and epithermal style copper and gold deposits in the world. However, the limited spatial extent of mineral tenure boundaries around many deposits encumbers the correlation of geological and structural features beyond tenure boundaries and to a district and regional scale. High sulphidation epithermal Ag-Au-Cu and Au-Cu porphyry deposits in the Biga Peninsula are hosted by two temporally discrete magmatic rock formations and are structurally reconfigured by neotectonic faulting. New geological mapping between epithermal and porphyry deposits in the central Biga Peninsula, coupled with petrographic characterization and geochronological constraints on magmatism and mineralization, is used to correlate the Küçükdağ and Kirazlı high sulphidation epithermal Au-Ag-Cu deposits across the TV Tower District and regionally. Identifying prospective magmatic formations and relating structural controls on ore mineralization to regional structures will increase the probability of new discoveries.